Deschedule Cannnabis!
If you missed Saturday November 30th 2024 we hosted 10 Cannabis Community & Industry Witnesses who gave their Testimony and Evidence for Descheduling Cannabis.
DEA Chief Administrative Law Judge John Mulrooney II issued a ruling 1/13/25 that included the cancellation of a hearing scheduled for Jan. 21 pending the outcome of a yet-to-be-filed “interlocutory appeal” to the agency’s eventual administrator.
We are still seeking more Experts and Solutionists to video record 20 minutes of your Testimony: Bio, Summary and Evidence for Descheduling Cannabis!

Seeking Subject Matter Experts and Solutionists
If you believe Cannabis is Food, Energy, Whole Natural Plant Medicine then assemble and have your voice heard! Left out of the DEA Arlington, VA Hearing? Not Here! We want to hear your claim with evidence why Cannabis needs to be Descheduled.
That means you Home Growers, Caregivers, Medical Patients, Bud Tenders, Economists, Mom & Pop Dispensary Owners, Researchers, Textile Manufactures, Food Processing Centers and Soil Rejuvenators. We need your Evidence and Experience to make our Digital Hearing loud and clear to our Representatives republic and Federal Government that we will only accept Descheduling.

Action Alerts
On Tuesdays and Thursdays: 30 minutes of screen time sending Emails, Calls and Faxes to persons of interest.
Use Social Media
Share posts, articles, and updates about cannabis advocacy on platforms like Instagram, X, and Facebook.
Engage with Media
Reach out to podcasts/journalists, write blogs to highlight cannabis issues and stories.
Contact Representatives
Reach out to your federal and local representatives to express support for cannabis Descheduling.
Seeking Activists to Work From Home

Use your skills to be heard and exponentially grow this public opinion to public policy. Sign up below to Join the Team!
Cannabis Witness Testimony

Religious Sacrament
Farmer & Home Growers
Medical Patient Caregivers
Political Plant Advocates
Danny Ford
Cannabis News Researcher: Click for Full Video
Danny Ford was a United States Air Force Photographer from 1989-93. Military Photographers are trained for situational perception, attentiveness, and appropriate valuation for recognition of moments worthy of historical documentation for future presentation.
Rick Anstiss
Cannabis Liaison: Click for Full Video
Rick Anstiss is originally from Berrien Springs Michigan. Graduating in 1999. He entered the Cannabis industry in 2008. With the Michigan medical marijuana program. As a caregiver of five patients. Cannabis grower of 72 plants. Creator of various medicines and administrations of the cannabis plant. He began to navigate all the amazing aspects of this plant, its people, and its purpose. Then working his way into event coordination. Bringing great networking opportunities to new businesses and inspiring entrepreneurs. As well as education for those who attend. Branching off into an attempt at the metric and licensed sector. With a swing and a miss. Opening the fourth micro business in the state of Michigan.
Reverend Heidi Grossman-Lepp
Founder of SugarLeaf Church: Click for Full Video
Reverend Heidi Grossman-Lepp, founder of Sugarleaf Church in 2014, established over 365 legal cannabis collectives and 160 churches across California while serving as Reverend, an expert witness, defense, and case evaluator in 28 Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) cases, winning every single one. Despite enduring relentless raids, the seizure of 30,000 pounds of sacramental cannabis, 28 felony charges—of which she was fully acquitted—and the devastation caused by Proposition 64 that displaced countless farmers, she continues to fight for civil rights and religious freedom by reestablishing Sugarleaf Church branches nationwide and advocating for the return of nature’s sacred gifts to the people.
Nate Jurewicz
Pastor Christian’s For Cannabis: Click for Full Video
Nate Jurewicz is a 43 year old follower of Jesus Christ who grew up in the church and actually paid attention on Sunday School. He enjoys discussing & debating all things Jesus as well as independent citizens journalism regarding cannabis, healthcare reform, politics, investing and religion. He’s also a Sales Manager in one of the fastest growing hemp companies in Florida and has personally been in over 1,000 legal cannabis businesses. His ministry Christian’s For Cannabis helps educate people expose the truth about this God given plant. He lives in Tampa, FL.
Jason Lauve
Hemp Innovator: Click for Full Video
Jason Lauve is considered the innovator and leading light in Industrial Hemp development in the United States of America. He chose to defend his Human Rights and won a Cannabis indictment in 2009. In 2012 co-authored the first successful hemp legislation in Colorado.
Patrick Moore
Director United States Cannabis Coalition: Click for Full Video
Patrick H. Moore is a lifelong Health Freedom Activist who worked on the 1994 federal Health Freedom Bill, assuring fair and reasonable access to supplements and medicines, and on California’s 1996 Compassionate Use Act assuring radical access to Cannabis as medicine.

Jason Hanley
President Oahu Cannabis Farms Alliance: Click for Full Video
US ARMY Veteran 10th Mountain – Owner of Care Waialua Medical Cannabis Farm. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biologist 20 years. Cannabis grower for 22 years, growing multiple states such as Hawaii, California, and New Jersey.
Jeff Krajnak
Combat Veteran Cannabis Patient: Click for Full Video
Combat Veteran with tours to Iraq , Afghanistan and Kosovo . Deployed with Seal Teams to the combat zone. Jeff was medically retired after 14 years of service.
Chip Anderson
Plant Advocate/Regulatory Watch Dog: Click for Full Video
Business owner, urban farmer and eco-preneur. I have owned and run many businesses but I learned more about regulated industries by fighting the FDA and state Agencies than anything else. I have been arrested multiple times for this plant. Since age 15 i have been persecuted, and labeled a “Criminal” because i found the one thing that helped me Feel OK. This plant saved my life and i will never stop spreading the Good News about Gardening and Natural Remedies!
Roger Christie
Founder of The Hawai’i Cannabis THC Ministry: Click for Full Video
Founder of The Hawai’i Cannabis THC Ministry 2000 – 2010 and beyond. Metaphysics. Language sculpting. Holy anointing oil. Human rights advocate. Promoting the normalized use of Cannabis since 1978 for all its many known and unknown uses. Partner in the former Hawaiian Hemp Company. Married to Share Christie, his intrepid, activist wife. They live and love on the Big island of Hawai’i.
Deschedule Operators

Every day our Movement grows bigger and stronger if you would like to join any of the rankings below
Get in touch with us Today!



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Our Supporters

From Disabled Veterans, Medical Patients, Farmers and YOU! We have a cornucopia of Talent, Passion and Experience. Join our Telegram to send us your Logo!

United States Cannabis Coalition
Cannabis Coalition

Hemp Cleans
Grassroots Organization

Sugarleaf Church
Unincorporated Association

Pardon Me Please
Non-Profit Organization

The Crosshair Collection
Guerrilla Marketing

Illegally Healed
Community Organization

Care Waialua Farms
Medical Cannabis Hawaii

Michigan Weedsters
Advocacy Group

THC Ministry: The Hawai`i Cannabis Ministry

California Cannabis Hemp Heritage Act 2020
Political Initiative

Cannabis Activist

Coalition for Patient Rights
Non-Profit Organization

The Liberty Blues Network
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Witness Testify
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Our latest Podcasts and Interviews for Descheduling Cannabis!
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Sunday-Saturday 9am-9pm EST
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