Hawaii State Public Opinion to Public Policy Should Cannabis be treated as a crop such as Tomatoes allowing any individual to be able to propagate cannabis without prosecution from the Feds or the State? Yes No Unsure Do you agree with Big Dispensary Monopoly over Local Farmers? Yes No Unsure Because Cannabis has a lower potential for abuse than other drugs that are subjected to the same restrictions, with scientific support for its use as a medical treatment. Should cannabis be rescheduled or legalized for adults 21+ or medical patients 20 and below with guardian administered sessions? Yes No Unsure Do you think it’s discriminatory against legal cannabis industry because they’re not allowed to use Debit/Credit Card transactions with most banks due to federal laws? Yes No Unsure Do you believe cannabis is a gateway drug or is alcohol the gateway drug? Cannabis is a gateway drug Alcohol is a gateway drug Unsure If the science shows that cannabis has medical value in various ailments most of which we cannot explore correctly due to current legislation and law. Should we change Federal Legislation and Law on Cannabis to allow proper scientific testing to find out the true potential of Cannabis? Yes No Unsure Do you believe Cannabis should be rescheduled for medical or recreational? Yes, for Medical Yes, for Recreational No, for both Unsure If Cannabis is legalized Recreationally, what would you suggest to be done so the market will not get saturated? Canopy Limit Space Plant Count Limits Card Grower Limits No Regulations (like tomato) Would you prefer medical environment experience or a recreational experience when dealing with cannabis or both? Prefer Medical Experience Prefer Recreational Experience Both Unsure Everyone wants “cheap” cannabis but that comes at the cost of quality. If there was an reasonable price with highest medical quality cannabis supplied by farmers, would you prefer this over a dispensary? Yes No Unsure Name First Last Email CAPTCHA Download Social Media Assets